Who are we?

This privacy policy describes how personal data relating to users (hereinafter the “User(s)”) of the https://www.docteurclaude.fr website (the “Site”) is collected and processed.

Who is the data controller?

Personal data is processed by DrOlivier CLAUDE, 124 rue de la Faisanderie 75016 Paris , acting as data controller. As the data controller, we are committed to protecting the privacy of the Site’s Users in accordance with European and French regulations on personal data.

What personal data do we collect?

We collect certain personal data entered directly by the User when they enter their contact details (surname, first name, email address and the reason for the consultation via the contact form). Other data may be collected during the User’s visit to the Site, such as: IP address; data on the User’s browsing (pages visited, etc.), as described in more detail below.

Why is my personal data collected, by whom and for what purposes?

We collect your personal data in order to provide you with the best possible service. The table below gives you an overview of how your personal data is processed in the context of the service we offer.

For which service?What data do we collect?Who uses this data?For what purposes do we use your personal data?How long is it kept?
Sending a newsletterEmail address User’s first and last nameDr CLAUDETo send you relevant information about news from Dr CLAUDE with your express consent2 years after the last contact with you or any other period required by law
Making an appointmentEmail address Surname and first name Reason for User’s appointmentDr CLAUDETo respond to your requestDeleted on the day of the response
Improvement of the service provided via the SiteIP address User browsing data (pages visited, etc.) Terminal browser versionThe agency Lezzar Communication and Dr CLAUDE
  • Track your browsing on the Site, in order to understand your path and subsequently improve your experience via the Site
  • To compile statistics relating to the Site
13 months

How long is my personal data kept?

We will only keep your personal information for as long as is strictly necessary for the purposes set out above or in order to comply with our legal obligations (see above).

With whom is my personal data shared?

We only pass on your personal data to third parties in the following limited cases:

  • transmission of your contact data to a third-party emailing service provider bound by an obligation of confidentiality in order to send you newsletters;
  •  hosting of your data by a hosting service provider located in the European Union who is required to ensure data confidentiality;
  •  communication of your personal data to our external advisers (lawyers, accountants, auditors, etc.) who are bound by an obligation of confidentiality;
  •  communication of your personal data to the competent authorities in application of the applicable law and/or a court ruling.

What are my rights and how can I exercise them?

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to access, rectify, delete, limit the processing of, object to and port your data. To assert your rights, you can contact the data controller at the following address: olivier_claude@hotmail.com. If you feel that your rights have not been respected, you can also lodge a complaint with the CNIL or any other competent authority. Finally, you may choose not to provide us with your personal information.

How can I withdraw my consent to the processing of my personal data?

If you decide to use some of our services (such as the newsletter) we may ask you for your explicit consent to process your personal data. The withdrawal of consent by a User will have no impact on the experience offered on our Site outside the scope of the processing concerned. Users may withdraw their consent at any time, as follows:

  •  Newsletter: an unsubscribe link appears at the bottom of each newsletter;
  •  Cookies: you can change your cookie settings via the following link (depending on your browser:

Firefox Chrome Safari Edge Internet Explorer

What cookies are used on the site?

When you visit our website, cookies are placed on your computer. These automatically transmit certain browsing data to us. A cookie is a text file that the server (the Site) you are visiting stores on your hard drive or in your browser’s memory and that enables its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is stored, for the duration of the cookie’s validity or storage. Some cookies, known as functional cookies, are essential to the use of the Site (session cookies, for example), while others (audience measurement, targeted advertising), for which your consent is required, make it possible to optimise and personalise the content displayed on the Site.

  •  _ga _gat _gid Purpose: Browsing/audience measurement Validity: 13 months
  •  ck_all Purpose: Close cookie banner Validity: 1 day
  •  ck_ga Purpose: Use of Google Analytics Validity: 1 year

Once the User has accepted the deposit of all or some of the cookies, the User’s Internet browser automatically transmits information to us, such as their IP (Internet Protocol) address, the browser version of the terminal they are using and their browsing habits on the Site (pages visited). You can configure your browser at any time to notify you when a cookie is sent or to prevent the use of cookies. While most browsers are set by default to accept the installation of all cookies, you can, if you wish, choose to accept the deposit of all cookies, or to reject them systematically, or to choose which cookies you accept depending on who is sending them, by configuring certain settings. We would draw your attention to the fact that by opposing the deposit of purely technical cookies, your experience could be downgraded. You can withdraw your consent at any time by changing the settings.

Can this policy be modified?

We may change and update this privacy policy from time to time. All changes will take effect as soon as these revisions are published. If the changes are significant, we will inform our Users by sending a notification to the e-mail address you have given us or by posting a notice on our Site. We invite you to consult our Privacy Policy regularly so that you are aware of the most recent version.