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We tested it for you: botox injections

Botox was demonised in the 2000s, but in recent years it has slowly made a comeback, no doubt benefiting from the success of hyaluronic acid injections, which have become more widely available. After testing hyaluronic acid injections a few months ago, Fanny, our 33-year-old Communications Director, wanted to experiment with botox: a “better ageing” method (actually complementary) to hyaluronic acid, to act locally on the first wrinkles and improve skin quality.

Olivier Claude-1021

Botox was demonised in the 2000s, but in recent years it has slowly made a comeback, no doubt benefiting from the success of hyaluronic acid injections, which have become more widely available. After testing hyaluronic acid injections a few months ago, Fanny, our 33-year-old Communications Director, wanted to experiment with botox: a “better ageing” method (actually complementary) to hyaluronic acid, to act locally on the first wrinkles and improve skin quality.


What exactly is botox?

Botulinum toxin, the scientific name for Botox, is secreted by a bacterium responsible for the disease known as botulism. In 1950, a scientist by the name of Brooks became interested in its neurotoxic properties and proved that injecting it into a muscle caused the muscle to relax temporarily. It was then used for medical purposes – to treat eye problems, for example. In the late 80s, an ophthalmologist noticed (by chance!) that the toxin she used to treat blepharospasm also reduced the appearance of wrinkles. The ball was rolling…

In the 90s, botulinum toxin was given the commercial name “Botox” and was used mainly to reduce expression lines: frown lines, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. In short, wherever wrinkles are caused by the repeated contraction of a muscle that ends up breaking the skin. Its purely local action is limited in time and generally lasts between 4 and 6 months.

My experience…

Since I turned 30, I (unfortunately) discovered that my first wrinkles started to show. When I came back from holiday, after having had a bit of sun, I had the impression that I had more wrinkles on my forehead and crow’s feet. 6 months ago, I had the opportunity to talk to Dr Olivier Claude about botox during my hyaluronic acid injections (which I had done on the oval of my face to prevent ageing/sagging of the facial skin). He then advised me to use this technique as a second step, to work locally on the more pronounced expression lines. So it was with complete confidence that I went back to see him to experience the famous “botox” for the first time…

The injection technique by Doctor Olivier Claude

Who is this method for?

In general, patients start at the age of 30-35. Most often because of the frown lines between the eyebrows, which can give a severe, unattractive appearance when the patient is concentrating or paying attention to someone else. Many patients also start treatments around the age of 30, in order to prevent the first signs of ageing. You could compare it to taking preventive care of your body by starting pilates classes early! You optimise the functioning of your muscular scales for today and tomorrow: it’s a treatment and a prevention.

What areas can be treated?

Botox is usually used on the upper part of the face. It treats frown lines between the eyebrows, eliminating the severe look that clouds the expression. It also corrects forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet, which can give a tired or surprised look. But all the muscles of the face are interconnected, so it’s important to treat the lower muscles too, such as the Depressor Anguli Oris (DAO) that governs the lowering of the angle of the mouth. This helps to reduce the inverted “smiley” appearance that gives off an emotion of sadness. The neck muscles are also treated almost systematically: this improves definition of the jawline and reduces neck cords.


How does it work?

After a personalised diagnosis, Dr Olivier Claude begins by drawing dots on my face with a felt-tip pen, and then carries out micro-injections in these different places. In my case, the frown lines, crow’s feet, the eye contour, but also along the jawline and the neck. Little product is injected, as my aim here is not to remove my expression lines but to reduce the fine lines and above all to slow down the ageing of my skin.

The result?

As with hyaluronic acid, it’s a real “boost of freshness”, a totally natural healthy glow! My expressions don’t freeze, I just look more rested (like I’ve had a good 12-hour night’s sleep), my skin is smoother, and my features are less marked, less downward-looking… in short, the result is amazing! I had a few small marks from the needle points on D-day, which disappeared immediately the next day and I didn’t have any bruises. I’m convinced that in the long term, it will make a real difference to the way my face ages. But like all good things, the idea is of course not to overdo it… and above all to be accompanied by experienced practitioners with a light touch and a natural approach, who will make personalised adjustments to the concentrations, volumes and number of points performed on each area you wish to treat.


600 for a full session every 6 months.
By appointment by phone: +33 (0) 1 45 01 64 16