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The test: Hyaluronic acid injections – Oh My Cream

(Re)Discover exfoliation.

Yes, we dared! Or rather, our two colleagues who are least afraid of needles (thanks girls!). In this article, Fanny & Ellie explain everything you need to know, from the procedure to the results and prices.

Olivier Claude-0981

What exactly is hyaluronic acid?

At Oh My Cream, we know a thing or two about hyaluronic acid, and for good reason: it is THE most powerful moisturising molecule we know of. A veritable water sponge, naturally present in our bodies, it ensures that the skin remains plump and the complexion fresh. The problem is that its production drops by 6% every 10 years, leading to sagging skin and the first wrinkles around the age of 30. That is why it is mainly used in cosmetics: you will find it, for example, in our Moisturising Serum or our SOS Mask, or in the form of food supplements and, of course… in aesthetic medicine! Fanny and Ellie have tried the famed injections and give you their assessment.

Injections to slow down ageing by Fanny

“When we discussed the idea of writing an article about injections in the office, I volunteered straight away, even though I have to admit I had quite a few preconceived ideas: does it hurt? Once you start doing them, do you have to keep them up for life? And above all, I didn’t really know what would be right for me. OK, so I have a few complexes: dark circles, eyelids that droop a bit… But do I really need this? ”

The “MD CODES” injection technique by Dr Olivier Claude

My appointment was booked, and I was soon to receive my diagnosis. More than just a diagnosis, I was going to realise that hyaluronic acid injections are certainly one of the best tools for preventing facial ageing, and that they were not going to transform me (or change my appearance, or take away my expression lines). Instead, they would enable me to “age better”, by preventing my face from sagging and becoming a little sadder with the passing years…

  • Who is this method for? You can start at around the age of 30, as soon as the first changes occur to the face as a result of bone and fat loss, which causes the face to sag.
  • What areas can be treated? This depends on the personalised analysis you carry out, but in most cases you should start at the top, respecting the “inverted cone of youth” to treat the causes of ageing rather than its consequences:

A- Upper support: cheekbone and temple (3ml)

B- The centro-facial support: under the cheekbone and labiomental fold (3ml)

C- Cervico-facial support: for the jaw-line between the chin and the mandibular angle (4ml)

* The ml are indicated to give you an idea of the price below.

  • How does it work? Doctor Olivier Claude’s approach is different from anything I have ever heard or read on the subject… His made-to-measure technique consists of harmonising the contours of the face by injecting 3 key areas mentioned above, which will act as a “support” and “reshape” the oval of the face. The promise? An immediate “plump” effect and the restoration of our positive emotions (eyelids and eyebrow tails raised, nasolabial folds smoothed, corners of the mouth lifted, jawline better defined).
  • The result? A real “fresh look”! In fact, it is like me for the better: as if I had slept 12 hours in a row, looked 3 years younger and lost 1kg… Without having swollen, removed or filled anything up, and above all, without it “showing”. What is even crazier is that with this technique, you often do not need to apply any topical treatments afterwards, as it naturally reduces the signs of time passing (dark circles are less noticeable in my case, for example).
  • How often? Hyaluronic acid resorbs completely in over 2 years. The exact duration depends on the products used, the technique and each patient’s metabolism. In practice, for the first year, you should plan on 2 to 4 sessions for facial support, then in subsequent years 1 or 2 per year for “maintenance”.


Expect to pay €500 for 1ml.

“MD CODES” injection technique by Doctor Olivier Claude – 124 Rue de la Faisanderie, Paris 16ème – Telephone: +33 (0)1 45 01 64 16 /

Hyaluronic acid injections for naturally plump lips by Ellie

“Between the ages of 30 and 40, too much sun, genetics and smoking, among other things, can play a predominant role in the ageing of lips, leading them to look sadder or droopy… For my part, I have very thin, dehydrated lips, which continue to crease over time. So I started looking for a centre that would be able to meet my expectations: a place where I could be sure of the quality of the products injected and that would respect the body’s natural beauty. ”

Lip reshaping by injection at Lazeo

At Lazeo, lip enhancements are achieved using natural, biodegradable hyaluronic acid fillers, specially developed for the lips, to deliver natural, long-lasting results. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers help to smooth lines, soften dehydrated corners of the lips and add radiance to dry, tired lips. The others have more volumising properties to fill out the lips and define the cupid’s bow, as well as subtly underlining thin lips in a very natural way.

  • How does it work? It depends on the injection technique used: – Needle injections: several injections are made all around the lips. The results are natural, but the technique is a little uncomfortable. An anaesthetic cream with a high concentration of lidocaine should therefore be applied all over the mouth at least 30 minutes before the session.
    –Cannula injections: the doctor will use a needle to make a micro-hole on both sides of the lips so that the cannula can be inserted and run along the lip. This technique minimises swelling and bruising.
  • For my first session, the doctor applied an anaesthetic cream and opted for “hydrating” hyaluronic acid, which would rehydrate my lips and add a little volume, while naturally reshaping them. He used both techniques, with a cannula and then a needle for the cupid’s bow (the area in the middle of the upper lip). I saw him again two weeks later to check the results and make sure that the first injections had met my expectations. We both decided to add a little volume, using hyaluronic acid, this time a “volumising” hyaluronic acid. The session went as well as the previous one, with no pain or swelling.
  • The result? Like for Fanny, the result is subtle and natural. I am told that something has changed, without being able to say what it is, and that is exactly what I was looking for: a “better me” result. My lips are rehydrated, naturally redefined and fuller, and they look healthier, without changing my face. I did not experience any of the side effects (such as swelling or oedema) and I was able to resume my normal life after just a few hours, while the effect of the anaesthetic wore off.
  • How often? Hyaluronic acid is designed to offer long-lasting results, with improvement still visible after more than a year. It dissipates gradually.


Depending on the quantity used and the areas to be treated, the price can range from €360 to €420. But the doctor will tell you the exact price during your first consultation.