is the property of Dr Olivier CLAUDE, Plastic surgeon
The user of this site undertakes to comply with these conditions of use.
The site is a presentation of the services offered by Dr CLAUDE and general information on aesthetic medicine and plastic surgery.

Website publisher

Doctor Olivier CLAUDE’s practice
124 rue de la Faisanderie
75116 PARIS


The site is hosted by the company:
rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix.

Intellectual property

All data contained on the Site is the property of Dr CLAUDE.
Any partial or total reproduction of the Website, or any creation of works derived from the Website, without the express authorisation of Dr CLAUDE is prohibited.
All elements of the Website constitute a protected work and are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code.
The User undertakes to use the Site in a strictly private context and in compliance with the GTCs. Use of the content for commercial purposes or for the provision of services is prohibited, except with the prior written agreement of Dr CLAUDE. Except as provided in Article 4 below, no element of the Site may be interpreted as granting a licence or a right to use any element presented thereon.