Thigh lift

Thigh lift: when the skin on the inner thighs is slack, liposuction of the knees or thighs alone is not enough. Only a tightening of the skin can correct this blemish: this is the inner thigh lift.

The aim of the operation is to remove the excess skin, reduce the underlying fatty infiltration and suspend the skin in depth.


Thigh lift – how is the operation performed?

The inner thigh lift is performed under general anaesthetic.
The incision is made at the front, near the groin fold. It then extends into the furrow between the perineum and the top of the inner thigh, and continues backwards to the buttock crease where it ends. It corresponds to the future scar.

Liposuction is also performed during this operation.

Excess skin is removed as needed and deep fixation is made to the aponeurotic ligament at the top of the inner thigh, in order to maintain the correction of the sagging, prevent the scar from drooping and ensure that the anatomy remains normal and harmonious. The scar is thus hidden in a natural fold and will therefore remain mostly out of sight.


Post-operative care

As a general rule, the patient is discharged the day after the operation. Following the operation, bruising and oedema may appear. These will subside in the 10 to 15 days following the operation.

Pain is generally not significant. The healing period may be somewhat unpleasant due to the tension exerted on the edges of the suture: during this period, any sudden stretching movements should be avoided. You should schedule 1 to 3 weeks off work, depending on the nature of your professional activity.


What are the results of a thigh lift?

Results can be appreciated 6 to 12 months after the operation. In most cases, there is good correction of fatty infiltration and loose skin, which clearly improves the thigh’s morphology. Scars are usually discreet, especially as they are hidden in a natural fold.

Nevertheless, this is a delicate surgery in which the greatest rigour in no way protects against a certain number of imperfections or even complications.

Can there be complications?

By choosing a surgeon qualified as a Specialist in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery by the French Medical Council and graduate of a DESC (Diploma of Advanced Specialised Studies) in Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery, you limit these risks as much as possible.
Complications are exceptional following a properly performed thigh lift.