
Arm lift

When the skin on the inner arms is slack, liposuction alone is not enough. Only a tightening of the skin can correct this blemish: this is the brachioplasty, or inner arm lift. The aim of the operation is to remove the excess skin, reduce the underlying fatty infiltration and reshape the whole area.


How is the procedure for an arm lift carried out?

The arm lift is performed under general anaesthetic. Various techniques can be used. Fat infiltration is corrected by liposuction. Excess skin is removed, leaving a scar whose location and length depend on the extent of skin distension and the type of procedure chosen.

The incision may be vertical, longitudinal, located on the inside of the arm, or horizontal, in one of the folds of the armpit.

The two types of incision may be combined. A lift with a longitudinal incision along the inner side of the arm is mainly intended for patients with significant skin laxity and a clearly expressed motivation.

In addition to the aesthetic discomfort (discomfort when wearing short sleeves because of the “crepey” appearance of the arm), the motivation may also be functional (discomfort when moving or dressing, redness or maceration of the inner arm). Liposuction is performed first whenever there is fatty infiltration of the area.

Given the disadvantages of this type of lift in terms of scarring, we try to offer an isolated incision in the armpit whenever possible.


What is the post-operative care?

Following the operation, bruising and oedema may appear. These will subside in the 10 to 15 days following the operation. Pain is generally minor, limited to a few tugs and twinges that are well covered by the usual painkillers.

In most cases, sedentary work can be resumed quickly, within a few days.


When can you see the results of an arm lift?

Results can be appreciated 6 to 12 months after the operation. In most cases, there is good correction of fatty infiltration and loose skin, which clearly improves the arm’s morphology. The functional improvement is also very clear, especially in the case of a lift with a longitudinal incision.

Can there be complications?

Post-operative recovery is generally straightforward following an arm lift. By choosing a surgeon qualified as a Specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery by the French Medical Council and graduate of a DESC (Diploma of Advanced Specialised Studies) in Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, you can minimise the risk of complications.