Self examination

Breast implants

The fitting of breast prostheses increases the volume of the breasts and improves their shape, as well as harmonises the figure (better proportion between the upper and lower parts of the body for some patients).

This procedure improves patients’ self-confidence and self-esteem, enabling them to rediscover their femininity. Breast augmentation with prostheses can be carried out as soon as the breast is fully developed.


What are the indications for breast augmentation with prostheses?

Breast augmentation with prostheses is indicated for patients:

  •  Whose breasts are constitutionally too small.
  •  Who are bothered by the loss of shape and volume of their breasts after pregnancy or weight loss, and who find their breasts “empty”.
  •  Who wish to fill out the upper part of their breasts (to have a “fuller cleavage”).
  •  Who have a breast malformation or asymmetry, resulting in a lack of breast volume.
  •  For whom breast lipofilling is not possible.
  •  Who have understood the limits of the operation.


What happens during the breast implant consultation?

In order to assess the situation, I will start by taking a look at your medical and family history, your bra size, your weight and height, your future plans for pregnancy and breastfeeding, and your smoking habits. I will listen to you to understand your motivations and your desire for breast augmentation.

I will then carry out a clinical examination of your breasts and note any asymmetries that may persist after the operation. I will also assess your fat reserves and the feasibility of breast lipofilling (injecting fat into the breasts).

As breast implants come in a variety of forms (filled with saline or silicone), I will take the time to advise you on the type of implant that I feel is best suited to your anatomy and your needs, and on its advantages and disadvantages.

I will have you try on different prostheses placed in your bra, so that I can determine with you in front of the mirror the volume you want.

So that you can make an informed decision, I will take the time to inform you about the positioning of the scars, the procedures and limitations of the operation, the post-operative course and the main risks.

Pre-operative instructions

Pre-operative instructions common to cosmetic surgery

  •  Stop smoking 1 month before and after the operation.
  •  Stop taking bleeding-inducing drugs 10 days before and after the operation: aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs and anticoagulants.

Pre-operative instructions specific to breast surgery

  •  Carry out a mammogram and bring the results with you before the operation.

Course of the operation

Pre-operative drawings are made before the operation. The operation is performed under general anaesthetic.
I begin by placing the breast implants behind the pectoralis major muscle (Dual Plane) or (retro-fascial) in the majority of cases. The approach will depend on the type of implant chosen.
The skin is closed with absorbable subcutaneous sutures. A dressing to shape your breasts is applied at the end of the operation. Surgery is either performed on an outpatient basis (with discharge the same evening) or requires an overnight stay at the clinic, depending on the case.

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Breast Implants what are the results?

Patient satisfaction after breast augmentation with prostheses is high, with significant physical and psychological benefits.

Results are generally obtained after 6 months.

What happens after the operation?

Pain is moderate in the first few days after the operation, thanks to the use of a special surgical technique and painkillers. Bruising of the breasts may occur for 15 days. Oedema (swelling) of the breasts is common and varies from one patient to another, gradually subsiding over a few months.

Showering with mild soap is possible from the day after the operation. Wearing a support bra without underwiring is recommended day and night for 1 month.

Resuming activities:

Daily activities: from the day after the operation. | Professional activities: 7 days after the operation. | Sports: 4 to 6 weeks after the operation.

Breast implants, scars?

Scars are located under the nipples for saline implants; and either at the lower edge of the areola, or in the folds under the breast, or in the axilla (under the arms) for implants pre-filled with silicone gel.

Scars under the breast and around the lower areola are generally inconspicuous. Scars under the nipple are virtually invisible in the long term. These results remain stable over time except in the event of significant weight change or pregnancy.

The limits of the operation

Breast augmentation using prostheses cannot correct a low position of the areolas and nipples (sagging breasts). A breast lift combined with breast augmentation (a procedure known as mastopexy-prosthesis or plastic-prosthesis) is necessary to obtain a good result when your breasts are drooping and “empty”.

Asymmetries in the position of the areola and the folds under the breast present before the operation persist after breast augmentation with prostheses.

What are the risks of breast augmentation with breast implants?

The complications of breast augmentation with prostheses are low. The main risks are:

  •  A haematoma, a rare complication that may require repeat surgery to drain it.
  •  Infection, an exceptional complication requiring the implant to be removed.
  •  A reduction or even loss of erogenous nipple-areola sensitivity in 5% of cases.
  •  The formation of a shell (or retractile capsulitis) in 3 to 5% of cases, requiring re-intervention to remove the shell and change the prosthesis.
  •  Palpability of the implants (particularly in the lower and outer parts of the breasts).
  •  Implant rupture, necessitating replacement.


The cost of augmentation depends on the type and duration of the operation, as well as the type of prosthesis (round, anatomical, smooth, microtextured, etc.). After our initial consultation, I will give you a detailed, personalised estimate.

Cosmetic breast augmentation is not covered by Social Security. However, if the prosthesis is fitted as part of treatment for a breast malformation (tuberous breasts, severe bilateral hypoplasia, Poland syndrome, etc.), part of the cost of the operation may be covered.

Before - After