Smiling young asian lady with careful decollete

Facial Cryolipolysis

Why use COOLSCULPTING® cryolipolysis on the face?


A double chin is an accumulation of fat in the area under the chin. It is often difficult to get rid of because once it has set in, it is very difficult to get rid of.

It is sometimes associated with weight gain, but it is also a sign of ageing and sagging skin for many people. They often express this during the consultation: “I don’t like my lower face”, “I have a double chin”.
In women, the menopause will accentuate this phenomenon and make the contours of the face look heavier.

The oval of the face is much less well defined, which is a major problem for many patients. The new Coolsculpting® machines can meet this demand. Dr Olivier CLAUDE uses this new technology for patients who want a non-surgical solution.


How does a facial Cryolipolysis session work?

Until now, double chins could only be removed by liposuction. Sometimes liposuction of the chin had to be combined with a cervico-facial lift to combat sagging skin once the fat had been removed. Doctor Olivier CLAUDE has been performing this operation for 20 years on both men and women.

An alternative is now available, without surgery, for treatment as soon as discomfort sets in. COOLSCULPTING® cryolipolysis technology (cold treatment of fat) requires no anaesthetic and no social isolation.

It is currently the most effective form of cryolipolysis.


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When can I see the results of chin Coolsculpting?

After a session lasting 1 to 2 hours, patients resume their activities immediately. Results depend on the number of applicators used during the session and their positioning. Dr Olivier CLAUDE creates the designs himself using liposuction concepts.

The Cool Mini applicator is particularly suitable for this location. This non-invasive treatment produces results in 6 to 8 weeks. Patients are often surprised by the quality of the results.

In 1 or 2 sessions, it visibly reduces the fat under the chin and reshapes the neck. The face appears less weighed down and the head posture is much more elegant.

Chin Coolsculpting results

Results are not immediate. They appear after 3 weeks, and continue to improve over the following 2 months. Dr Olivier CLAUDE will give you all the explanations you need and what to do after the Coolsculpting® session.

Depending on the extent of the double chin, a second session may be scheduled. These points will be discussed during the preliminary consultation with Dr Olivier CLAUDE.

Experience shows that after a treatment, a tightening effect is often observed. The oval of the face will be redefined. Dr Olivier CLAUDE will see you again 3 to 4 weeks after the session for a check-up. Follow-up and nutritional advice are very important in order to optimise results.

Dr Olivier CLAUDE will advise you on a comprehensive treatment plan based on the medical assessment carried out during your initial consultation.

The sessions take place in the medical practice of Dr Olivier CLAUDE, Plastic Surgeon, at 124 Rue de la Faisanderie – Paris 16th

This new technology brings great satisfaction with very few side effects.