
Body Cryolipolysis

Coolsculpting Cryolipolysis: cold treatment of unsightly fat rolls


Coolsculpting cryolipolysis is a non-invasive medical technique which consists of permanently reducing fatty deposits using cold. This method is only suitable for cellulite caused by excess fat.

Coolsculpting cryolipolysis is not a weight loss treatment, but helps to reshape the figure and eliminate localised fat deposits or “stubborn fat” that are resistant to diet and sport.

Who is Coolsculpting Cryolipolysis for?

Anyone looking for an effective, validated and safe method of treating localised fat deposits, without surgery. Before any cryolipolysis session, Dr Olivier Claude will carry out a medical check-up.


Course of a session

Diagnosis is essential. Depending on your morphology, Dr Olivier CLAUDE will suggest a personalised treatment plan. The areas to be treated will be defined following a detailed study of your figure, your skin quality, the thickness of skin folds and your weight.

The areas to be treated will be carefully marked so that the applicators can be properly fitted.

The treatment lasts 35 to 45 minutes per applicator. The entire session is carried out without anaesthetic, without needles and without hospitalisation.

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Are the results definitive?

The fatty deposits destroyed by Coolsculpting cryolipolysis do not reform, even if the patient regains some weight. At a constant weight, the results are definitive.

You can resume your activities immediately. The after-effects are slight: the treated area may remain red for a few hours after the treatment, slightly swollen for a few days, slightly sensitive to the touch, sometimes hypoesthesia and dysesthesia (loss of sensitivity, tingling, itching) for a few weeks.

How many sessions are needed?

In a one-hour session, 30% of a fatty mass is destroyed. If you are looking for even better results, you can have a second session of cryolipolysis on an area that has already been treated (for around 15% of patients).

The results are not immediate, but start to show at the end of the first month when apoptosis (i.e., cell death) takes place. This will continue for two to four months.

When does Cryolipolysis work best?

On toned or young skin, adipose cellulite, of fatty origin (soft), which is not painful and can be seen by pinching the skin. On the other hand, it has no effect on aqueous cellulite linked to water retention and poor blood circulation, or on very old, hard and painful fibrous cellulite.

In three months, fat cells and stubborn fat are transformed and eliminated naturally by the body.

The fatty deposits destroyed by Coolsculpting cryolipolysis do not reform, even if the patient regains some weight.

At a constant weight, the results are definitive. You can resume your activities immediately.

The after-effects are slight: the treated area may remain red for a few hours after the treatment, slightly swollen for a few days, slightly sensitive to the touch, sometimes hypoesthesia and dysesthesia (loss of sensitivity, tingling, itching) for a few weeks.

To optimise results, we recommend wearing a compression garment and massaging the treated areas for the first few weeks.

Does Cryolipolysis replace liposuction?

Liposuction is a very different approach with the same objective – to destroy fat.
Both techniques have their place depending on the patient’s profile and expectations. The budget is also different.

Dr Olivier CLAUDE will give you a personalised consultation to assess whether you are a good candidate for this treatment. Feel free to ask him any questions you may have to help you better understand this new technique. Dr Olivier CLAUDE and his entire staff will be happy to provide you with further information about this technique, which has been widely proven to be effective.

The sessions take place in the medical practice of Dr Olivier CLAUDE, Plastic Surgeon, at 124 Rue de la Faisanderie – Paris 16th

The ALLERGAN laboratory’s coolsculpting machine remains the benchmark for this indication, and is also the machine with the most clinical studies and the best results to date. Over 90% of patients treated recommend this treatment to their friends and family. You can also visit the ALLERGAN laboratory website for a summary of clinical studies.

Doctor Olivier CLAUDE will give you the best advice so that your excess fat can be removed either by this technique or by surgical liposuction, if necessary.

Before - After
